PURPUL DURT: Nature Guide


ONTOSTRATA, the planet. ontodurt, ontoplane Irt's timeline up to sSs leaving. The civilization of Irt would become Firsdry, torn apart by natural and industrial disasters, then transition to Specturmel. sSs just leave and spend time in space, some go underground in vast expanses of caves, almost like a hollow-earth situation. The map I created for Irt would be merged with Specturmel. The giant ocean and V'nglui are still on the planet. For Purpul Durt, I'm thinking it's one of the uncharted spots on the globe. Either underground or in a very remote area, isolated from civilized traffic. So now you're asking: "What do the plumports do now?" Good question. I know I wanted to avoid time travel at all costs, but it has been slowing implemented by Grey and Onto's temporal correspondence. Could the Plumports be a 'non-mental' way of time travel? Always remember the all-of-time-is-happening-at-once theory. Going through a plumport would transport the occupant to another plumport, but the timing would change. Seperating time into Eras: 1 2 3. Going though a plumport in Purpul Durt in Era 3 would snap the occupant to a plumport in V'nglui Era 2. It might seem random but consistent. Questions:=? Does sSs know plumports change time? Maybe they're only trying to get to the other side of the globe and accidentally time travel. The big time travel question: Does traveling to the past effect any future events? It does, but in the sense that everything has already happened, is happening, and will happen, in the moment. Free will becomes an issue in this scenario. But the characters don't have free will anyway because I made them all up. this new 'one planet' solution would help solve the 'why are there humans on specturmel' question.

Brain slugs would fall from the sky rather than from underground. Ikanthua are now part of the Wizards story? I could also shrink wrap all of time and have all of the big moves 'in progress' in the present. Yes, the sSs leave, but they've come back during the great relocation to Specturmel. sSs fail their mission to escape the planet on their giant mother ship. Timeline: Wizards of IRT, sSs leave behind a destroyed 'Firsdry', migration to Specturmel starts, Purpul Durt, sSs come back. Purpul Durt would be the 'present' storyline. IRT timeline: dinosaurs (but this time cthulhu too*), mass extinction, squamaloids find tunnels that lead to INNERCORENAME irt?, create resource heavy machines, meanwhile disovans reach ironage+ above ground, wiz & liz happens above ground? wiz&liz happens below ground? sSs come back and ask "what of the inner realms?" Specturmel says 'huh?'

*cthulhu times have not been fleshed out at all, Ikanthua need a deep history that's intwined with that of IRT.

Hollow Ontostrata has inverted gravity on its inner crust, which is still very thick (twice the depth of earth's lowest ocean point). a minature sun lies suspended in the core, because its at the center of the planet, there's an inverted atmosphere. One could tell the difference if they knew, but its mostly indestinguishable from being outside.

Irt needs to be above ground. because of that one character that 'calls' down asteroids.

4/11/2024 8:54 PM
At the tippy top of the Purpul Durt volcano is the plumport. Rodats climb up and out of Ambush Island.